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Earned 5.39 R$

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Earned 18.60 R$
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Download mobile apps and watch short videos to earn points or enter our daily giveaways and promocodes!
Cash out your earning directly to your RBLX account and spend it on your favorite items and games!
You can earn R$ by completing “offers” on our offerwalls. These offers can range from completing quizzes, surveys, and downloading mobile apps and games. Mobile apps & games are usually the easiest offers to complete in these offerwalls, but survey offers give you the most amount of R$ when they succeed.
Definitely! We never require any private information such as your game account passwords. The only thing needed is your username to get started. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
After completing an offer, you will be able to withdraw your balance into your RBLX account. You will be asked to create a Private Server and set it to the price given, we will then purchase the Private Server and R$ will be transferred to your account!
We use the money from the offer companies to purchase R$ to give to our users, and keep a small commission for ourselves! You will be able to immediately withdraw your R$ to your RBLX account after completing an offer. This creates a fair, win-win solution for everyone involved!
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