Earn ROBUX by doing nothing!
Earn ROBUX by running BloxCrusher on your computer. You can run it in the background to earn lots of ROBUX doing nothing!
Withdraw R$
The ROBUX goes into your Blox.Land account for you to withdraw. No offers, surveys, or anything of that sort is needed to withdraw ROBUX earn from BloxCrusher.
Is my computer compatible?
This requires Windows and a powerful graphics card. If you don’t have a powerful graphics card this program may not work for you. Run the program on your computer to see if you’re eligible to earn ROBUX!
Is this legit?
Yes, how it works is that your computer solves complex math problems (crypto mining) and in return you get ROBUX. This way, you can leave your computer running and you will earn ROBUX by doing nothing!
Do I have to complete offers to withdraw?
No, if you earn ROBUX from BloxCrusher you’ll be able to withdraw it once your balance reaches 7 R$.
My anti-virus said the program isn’t safe
Rest assured, this program is safe. Unfortunately, because this uses a lot of computer’s resources , some anti-virus software marks it as malicious. If you have issues with this, try to disable your anti-virus while using it. If you need assistance, join our Discord server for help.